Top 10 Flutter Libraries and Frameworks to Speed Up Your Development

Top 10 Flutter Libraries and Frameworks to Speed Up Your Development

Hey wassup flutter devs!

Did you know? More than 70% of successful Flutter developers use specific libraries and frameworks.

If you're not leveraging these tools, you might be missing out on a goldmine of productivity.

Let's dive in!

1. Provider

  • State management solution recommended by the Flutter team.

  • Easily connect your model to your UI.

  • Provides reactivity without the need for additional code.

How to use it:

void main() => runApp(
    create: (context) => MyModel(),
    child: MyApp(),

2. Dio

  • A powerful HTTP client for Dart.

  • Supports Interceptors, Global configuration, and FormData.

  • Offers timeout and custom interceptors.

How to use it:

final Dio dio = Dio();
final Response response = await dio.get('');

3. Flutter Bloc

  • Implements the BLoC pattern for state management.

  • Separates presentation from business logic.

  • Reactive state management.

How to use it:

  create: (BuildContext context) => MyBloc(),
  child: MyWidget(),

4. RxDart

  • Provides reactive extensions for Dart.

  • Enhances the capabilities of Dart streams.

  • Offers operators to combine, create, or modify data streams.

How to use it:

final myObservable = Stream<int>.value(1);

5. CachedNetworkImage

  • Caches images for faster load times.

  • Provides error widgets and placeholders.

  • Offline image loading from cache.

How to use it:

  imageUrl: "",
  placeholder: (context, url) => CircularProgressIndicator(),
  errorWidget: (context, url, error) => Icon(Icons.error),

6. GetX

  • All-in-one solution for state management, routing, and dependencies.

  • Lightweight and powerful.

  • Reactive state management without boilerplate.

How to use it: => NextScreen());

7. Flutter SVG

  • Display SVG format images in Flutter.

  • Provides color filtering and painting.

  • Ensures crisp visuals regardless of device resolution.

How to use it:


8. Shared Preferences

  • Allows for persistent storage of simple data.

  • Key-value storage for basic data types.

  • Synchronous and asynchronous methods available.

How to use it:

final SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setInt('counter', counter);

9. Shimmer

  • Provides a shimmering effect for placeholders.

  • Enhances UI/UX during data loading.

  • Easily customizable with colors and shapes.

How to use it:

  baseColor: Colors.grey[300]!,
  highlightColor: Colors.grey[100]!,
  child: Text('Shimmering Text'),

10. Flutter Launcher Icons

  • Simplifies updating your Flutter app's launcher icon.

  • Supports adaptive icons for Android.

  • Batch processing for multiple icon configurations.

How to use it: First, add your desired icon to the assets. Then, in your pubspec.yaml:

  android: true
  ios: true
  image_path: "assets/icon.png"

Run flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main and voila!

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